Getting Stared Guide


This getting started guide will explain how to launch a NetFoundry Zero Trust Networking image into Digital Ocean.

Launching an instance in Digital Ocean@

Pre Deployment@


The BYOL (Bring Your Own License) licensing model is one that relies on your purchasing a software license separately from our website here and registering your appliance with generated one time key.


Assumption is that the NF Fabric is already up.

Deployment of Appliance@

To get started, visit the Digital Ocean Marketplace site by clicking here. If the marketplace doesn't come up, you can go to the search bar that appears, enter NetFoundry Zero Trust Networking and click the resulting solution that appears.

To launch the instance Click on "Create Netfoundry Zero Trust Networking Droplet" Image

Supply the information needed Image

We recommend using only SSH Key to access, you can also choose password if needed. Image

Launch the droplet by Clicking on "Create Droplet" Image

Post Deployment@


The ssh username must be "root" & only if you specified an ssh key. If you used password, you can only access via the Digital Ocean console.

ssh -i [path/to/private/key] root@[public_ip_address]

Once you are logged in to the gateway, follow the instructions to register it to your NetFoundry Network. Look for errors in the registration process output, or "Success" if registration completes successfully. How to Register a NetFoundry Cloud Gateway VW

Setup is complete.